Monday, May 3, 2010

Blimey Mate, Don't be a wanker! Read my blog or sod off!

Hey you all!  I know it has been awhile, but teaching is becoming more and more busy.  I officially took over the whole class today.  I don't mind in the least, but I could do without all the paper chasing.  My British advisor is being a jerk and asking me to write out excessive lesson plans for each subject lesson followed by lesson reflections for each and then general weekly reflections.  No wonder the Puritans abadoned the mother country--they're a bossy bunch of Brits.  Too bad I can't tell him to sod off.  Haha! Can you tell I've been reading British literature.  I've been desperate to find something to read at night, and all there is here unless I wish to learn the Italian language is a shelf of used books in the teachers lounge.  Most of them are written by British authors so I've gotten the chance to be educated in the slang of the UK.  I've added the following words to my vocabulary: cozzer-cop, wotcha--what's up, blimey mate--seriously, tooled up--carring a weapon, get stuffed--get f*****(I'm sure you can fill in the blanks), fine bird/cow--an attractive woman, throttle--choke the life out of someone, in the frame--suspected of a crime, and wanker--I won't insult your intelligence with a definition for this one.  As you might have surmised, it wasn't exactly enlightened reading.  I wish I could say I was reading the great manuscripts of DiVinci while here in Italy, but let's be honest, I'm not that ambitious.  It was a thriller book about criminals and drug carteling in Europe with just a touch of Romance to really spice things up.  Haha, as you can see I'm desperate for a book and will read anything that's written in English.  Oh well, at least now I can give a good British lashing with my new street savvy underground UK lingo.

On a different note, we were going to go to Florence in Tuscany this last weekend, but when we went to the train station on Saturday morning the tickets were all sold out.  We were really disappointed.  Since we didn't want to waste the day, we went to Venice.  It kind of blows my mind still that I can just hop to Venice for a day trip.  Once again it was absolutely amazing.  Seeing a Golden Retriever jump into the Grande Canal to cool off kind of made my day.  I miss my pooches back home!  Here's a shout out to Lucky and Lucy!  I couldn't help thinking how living in Venice would be Lucky's worst nightmare considering she's the only Labrador terrified of the water.  Talk about a dog with issues.  Of course, knowing our family, she fits in just fine.

On the train ride home, my jaw hit the floor when I looked out the window to see a track of chariot racing.  I'm not kidding.  Not dogs.  Not horses.  Not cars.  Chariot racing.  Katie and I couldn't help choking back laughter no matter what evil glares we got.  I knew Italy has an old soul, but I thought they would have progressed a bit more than this.  I mean it isn't 400BC anymore.  Of course, who am I to judge.  In America, we have Nascar racing.  I'm not sure that Nascar with it beer-gut, profanity-ridden, tooth-deprived, hillybilly fans really gives chariot racing a run for it's money.  I think I'd sooner go to a chariot race than a Nascar race even if I did have to wear a toga to do so.  It beats crushing beer cans on my forehead.  Okay, I'll stop before I stuff one more stereotype into this paragraph.

Oh, I saw the funniest thing this last Friday night when we were out.  There was a group of people out rollarblading at about ten at night.  That's not the funny thing, the funny thing is they were trying to rollarblade on the cobblestone streets.  The fact that I can barely ride my bike on these cobblestone streets without wearing a sports bra should alert you to the fact that it wasn't smooth sailing for these rollarbladers.  Add in the fact that they were wearing vivid, blaze yellow and orange safety patrol vests, were in ther mid-forties, and were donning gold bedazzled, sequence fanny packs made it nearly unbearable.  It may have been one of the most amusing sights I've seen in quite awhile.  I know it's evil to admit, but with every flail of their arms, I was waiting for one to crash and burn.  After how unfriendly these Northern Italians have treated us, you can't really blame me, can you?  Besides, a good fall is always laugh-worthy as long as no one gets hurt.  It made growing up with my clumsy sister and cousin (yes, I mean you Becca) tolerable.  Haha, just kidding. You know I love you guys.

Well, I'm sorry I don't have any grand tales to tell you this time around.  You'll just have to entertain yourselves by means of your own.  That or cozy up with a British thriller novel.  I guarantee it won't disappoint.  Wink!

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