Monday, April 26, 2010

My Bologna has a first name.

This weekend we caught a train to the city of Bologna.  I made sure to whistle the Oscar Meyer Weiner song while strolling the streets.  Although it was a rainy, cloudy day, we still saw a few amazing churches as well as many shops.  There wasn't anything too extraordinary about the city, but it was nice to get out and about for awhile.  I think the most interesting thing happened on the way home while riding the train.  Katie and I were talking when all of sudden we broke out laughing.  Nothing too loud or obnoxious, but that did not save us from the death glare we received from the lady across the way.  She scowled at us with the worst evil eye (which is saying a lot since my mother is Cindy Gastreich, haha just kidding) I have ever seen and followed it up with swiftly moving to another train car.  Another train car?!  I guess this should not have surprised me after being called a lazy bitch in Italian at one of the markets after supposedly not putting a pair of sandals back properly in the box.  We're just making Italian friends left and right, aren't we?  We realized that people don't really laugh out loud here.  They truly are uptight and unemotional.  Thank goodness we work with and have met people from other parts of Europe who are much kinder.  Whoever said Americans are assholes surely never met a Northern Italian.  They perfect the term tight ass with glowing success.  We have heard that further South people are much friendlier in Italy.  This weekend we plan to travel to Florence and Sienna in the Tuscany region so we'll see if this theory proves true.  God, I hope so because if I receive one more rude sneer I might just open a can of American whoop ass on these stuffy Northern Italians and give them a real reason to hate us!  Don't get me wrong.  I'm having a great time, but I just can't get over how rude the Italians are.  The other day when I finally did receive a returning smile I nearly fell of my bike.  Either way, I'm choosing to look at the train event positively.  Not everyone has the chance to travel abroad and piss off a foreigner.  It's a pretty good trade off considering I've had my fair share of crazy moments with foreigners while working at Noah's Ark in the Dells.  Oh the stories I could tell you.  Perhaps another day. 

Wednesday, April 21, 2010

The Three Little Pigs and the Big Bad...Spider??!!

So I just had to share this story with you because I knew you would all get a kick out of it.  Today I was teaching a group of children outside while they were working on writing the story of The Three Little Pigs with the use of conjunctions.  If you don't know what a conjunction is you seriously need to get a hold of School House Rocks--Conjunction Junction, what's your function?  Anyway (before I get anymore geeky and sidetracked) the kids were working very hard when all of a sudden I spotted a spider crawling on a poll only a foot away from me.  Let's just say that these little Italian children never saw an American move so fast.  So much for coming from the all powerful, dominating country of the US.  I'm not afraid of much.  Skydiving, bring it on!  Bungee jumping, why not?  Travel across the world to a foreign country all by myself, I'm game.  Spiders, however, are not to be messed with!  Anything that has 8 fury, quick little legs that can hide in unsuspecting places ready to launch a surprise attack should be avoided at all costs.  Needless to say, I wasn't about to go back teaching the children while that spider sat by idly staring me down with its beady, blood thirsty eyes.  I'm still shivering at the thought of it.  Luckily, my night in shining armor came to the rescue in the form of my nine year old Italian student named Pedro.  While laughing at me, he took the spider into his hand and threw it far away.  It was kind of hard to resume authority as a teacher after that little episode, but I managed after one of my other little students whispered to me, "Don't worry, I'm scared of spiders too!"  Nice to know I share the fears of a nine year old girl.  Oh well, crises averted!

Monday, April 19, 2010

Your Survival Guide to Italy

If you ever plan to visit Italy.  Here are some words of wisdom from me to you...

1.)  Canoodling is an artform here.  Don't be afraid to mount your lover on any public bench or  at any cafe.  It would be weird not to.

2.)  Everyone here is tiny.  Most men and women have the body of a twelve year old boy making you feel like a giant.  Feeling like Alice in Wonderland is just something you will have to come to terms with. 

3.)  Remember to call your jeans or slacks trousers NOT pants.  In Europe pants mean underwear, and you will be laughed at. (Hopefully just not by a bunch of seven-year-olds like me)

4.)  Warm showers are a luxury you cannot depend on while in Italy.  Our boiler has already broken down four times, and when we asked others they said that it is pretty common.  This is rather curious considering I'm pretty sure the Romans were the ones to invent plumbing.  Oh well!

5.)  Meat is not worshipped here like it is back home in the States.  Before you come be sure to gorge yourself on the three holy spirits of meat: cow, chicken, and pig.  You will not find them on any menu or in any grocery market here.

6.)  Don't smile at Northern Italians.  They'll usually just glare back at you.  It's their way of saying, "Welcome to Italy, now get the hell out of my way."  If you wish to seek friendlier company, head south.

7.)  Be careful when you need emergency assistance.  The ER here has hours of operation posted on the door.  You must think I'm joking, but I swear, I saw them with my own eyes.  If your emergency falls at a time of inoperation then I guess you're just SOL.

8.)  Don't feed the pigeons at the cafe.  They have no problem attacking you for more which is quite scary considering pigeons here have more muscle mass than the Hulk.

9.)  If you rent a car, by all means use the horn.  Not using it every thirty seconds is considered inhuman not to mention probably punishable by law.

10.)  Finally, if you are eating out, make sure to do so only at noon or after 8pm.  At any other time you will be looked at as a pig.  As for breakfast, exchange your wheaties for a coffee or a wine spritzer.  Starting your morning any other way is considered sacreligious and you would hate to get on the wrong side of these Bible Thumping Italian Catholics.

Friday, April 16, 2010

All Hail Michael Jackson

Sorry I haven't posted in awhile.  I've been extremely busy with teaching.  Our British advisor visited this week and gave us a crap load of work to do for our placements.  I wanted to kindly refuse the work, but I didn't think that would fly with him.  By the way, why do all British lack a set of straight teeth?  I swear my advisor had never met a dentist in his life.  That is one stereotype I can safely put to rest I guess. 

This week I've noticed that the students have a strange obsession with Michael Jackson.  There are pictures of him in most of the classrooms.  He even showed up in their school work when they were asked to name their hero.  When I told my own second grade students that I had a nephew named Jackson, several excitedly shouted, "Like Michael Jackson?!!"  It is a bit strange, but funny all the same.  In music class they are even singing and dancing to Thriller for one of their concert numbers.    They are also singing Yellow Submarine, Don't Stop Believin, and some other great songs.  I wish schools back home sang rock and pop classics like this.  I personally cannot wait to see these little Italians singing to these classics.  It should be a riot to watch.

This weekend we plan to hang low since we have so much work and lesson planning to get done.  We might visit a local park we just discovered right near the school that is quite popular.  The weather has been in the sixties most days so hopefully it will still that way for the weekend.  I heard it has been rediculously warm and nice back home.  Figures the one spring I'm not there would be the good one.  Well, enjoy your weekend and the weather.  Oh and by the way, the Tornado has been fixed.  I was never so excited to pick up my beautiful steed.  She corners like a dream!  Haha!

Sunday, April 11, 2010

I love Venice just not the Gondola Pimps

Yesterday, we went to Venice which is just a short train ride from where we live.  It was truly amazing.  We took a water bus through the Grande Canal which is the main river that cuts through Venice in a backwards "S" shape.  While on the boat we got to see both the police boats and firemen boats.  I can't imagine the firemen being called often in a city that floats on water, but we saw them none the less.  After we got off we weaved our way through the narrow, maze-like alley streets back to the train station.  On these narrow backstreets were also narrow canals in which you crossed on small archway bridges.  I found these smaller, narrow canals to be extremely romantic and beautiful.  They looked like they were straight out of a movie.  The food there was also to die for.  They had these amazing warm pizza and sandwhich wraps with thick, warm, doughy crust that I fell in love with.  The gelato and pastries were also delicious.  We ate our way through most of Venice.  You could tell that everything was homemade unlike the fastfood in America that is cooked quickly and greasy.  We did see quite a lot of gondolas as well, but unfortunately didn't ride one ourselves.  They are rather expensive not to mention the gondaliers are extremely annoying.  They shout at you and constantly try to get you into their boats.  In fact, they very much reminded me of the pimps in Las Vegas.  They would stand in groups wearing their tight striped shirts with slicked back hair and look you up and down as you passed trying to lure you to their boats.  We do plan on visiting another time while we're here so maybe next time they might actually get our business.  I feel like it's a requirement to ride the gondola if you visit Venice no matter how expensive it seems so we'll see.  Either way, Venice is truly a sight not to miss.

Friday, April 9, 2010

The Tornado Takes a Fall

Well, I finally broke down and bought a SIM card key for my computer so I can access the internet from my apartment or wherever I wish.  Riding into town to access the wireless link at the cafe was becoming too much of a hassle.  It wasn't too terribly expensive not to mention I can use it anywhere even when I get back home.  Anyway, I'm excited its finally the weekend.  I love the kids at school, but teaching is still a job.  We kicked off the weekend with a couple beers down at the local cafe with the rest of the teachers from the school.  It was a lot fun talking with them since they're from all over Europe--England, Ireland, Italy, Scotland, and Wales to name a few countries.  We were making fun of each others accents and where we all come from.  Speaking of the teachers, Katie and I cannot figure out if my English cooperating teacher is gay or if all English men are just flamboyantly happy.  I'm sure Grandma K could figure it out in two seconds with her spectacular gaydar.  Haha!

Unfortunately, later on in the night the great Tornado took a fall.  That's right, she got a flat.  I was literally riding the rim until I locked up the poor beast in town.  Hopefully I'll pick her up later and take her to fix the flat when the shops are open.  I had to walk the half hour walk home in my sandals.  Good thing my feet are made of leather after my summer of lifeguarding.  I'm pretty sure I could walk on coal and not feel a thing.  That's my fall back plan if this whole teacher route doesn't pan out.  Hey if those African tribe members can do it, why can't I?

Tomorrow, we plan on going to Venice.  I cannot wait.  It's a really quick train ride over.  I'll make sure and take lots of pictures and maybe finally upload some to facebook now that I've got better internet access.  Hope you all have a great weekend!

Thursday, April 8, 2010

Confessions of a True Milkoholic

The children are in the lab today so I had some time to access the internet since I am just assisting in another classroom today.  The teacher is from Scotland.  Her accent is so much fun to listen to even if I do not always understand her.
Anyway, I forgot to tell you about a very interesting story yesterday that I know a lot of you will get a kick out of especially you Amanda since you won't even eat fish.  So the teachers here are allowed to eat lunch free which I thought was pretty awesome.  They have pasta everyday except Thursday when they have pizza.  The teachers say I will get sick of it pretty quickly, but I'm not so sure.  I'm pretty sure I could live on pasta.  I guess will see.  You can also have a piece of fruit, a salad, a roll, a slice of cheese, and a piece of deli meat and water.  Meat here is nothing like in America.  First of all it is really salty.  I mean they must cure the hell out of all their meat.  Secondly, their deli meat is slice tissue paper thin which makes it really hard to determine what kind of meat it is.  Well, yesterday, I tried a piece of really dark deli meat that did not look like any kind of meat I had seen before so I decided to ask the teachers what kind of meat it was.  Take your guesses now.  I'm sure you won't guess it.  Beef?  Strike one.  Ham?  Strike two.  Turkey?  Strike three, you're out!  If you guess, fox, bear, squirrel, deer, or any other forest critter or beast you would still be wrong.  It was in fact horse meat.  When I told Katie who had already consumed three slices she nearly died.  I was not really disgusted, just more surprised than anything else.  I mean I did't even know they raised horses for that.  Once again, the Europeans surprise me.  Someone should tell them you're suppose to ride them not eat them.  Oh well!
One food that I'm truly missing over here is milk.  It has been far too long since I have seen a cow grazing in a field waiting to be milked by its farmer where it will be soon delivered to my gullet.  I'm literally going crazy.  The only milk I can find is whole milk which is only sold in pint size for a butt load of money.  How is a three gallon a week girl suppose to survive? Unfortunately, I only have milk with my cereal and stick to water and whine for the rest of my meals.  When I get home don't be surprised if you see me attack the first diary cow I see.  I cannot be held responsible for my calcium addiction. 

Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Attack of the Pigeons

I am in grave danger as I sit here typing this message to you.  A pigeon has set it's beady eyes on my pastry and keeps trying to stealthily steal the goods.  I've seriously slapaped it away three times and it keeps coming back.  I don't know why.  It seems to be quite well fed from the fallen crumbs of the cafe it has been feeding on all day.  This thing could seriously be a threat in a cage fight so consider yourself lucky that I'm standing my ground and sending this message to you.  If I get pecked to death it's on you.
Anyway, it's been an interesting Easter weekend.  As you know, we got bikes.  The Tornado is going strong, but I can't say the same for Katie's bike.  It has already broken down which leads me to my first interesting story.  Two nights ago Katie biked to the cafe to access the internet and told me she would be back shortly.  However, when it came to eleven at night and no Katie I started to freak.  I had imagined she had been robbed, beaten, kidnapped, or hurt in some other means of my wild imagination.  By midnight I was nearly in tears trying to figure out what I should do if she didn't show.  Do I call the police?  The U.S. Consolate?  Would I be mixed up in the disappearance and be blamed like the other U.S. girl in that murder case in Italyt?  In short, I was a mess.  Thankfully she showed up at half past midnight.   I had never been so relieved in my life.  Katie had a horrible night as well starting with her bike breaking down.  She had to chain it to a post in town.  Following that, she got horribly sick and couldn't take the bus home since it was to late.  She had to track down a waiter friend of ours who called a cab.  The cab driver decided to take a long ass round about way home and overcharged her, but at that point she just threw the cash at him and bolted for our apartment.  Once in she ran to the bathroom shouting "sorrys" to me and continued to get sick.  It was quite the night to say the least.  I hope that's the last scare we have while over here.
As for Easter it was quite quiet over here.  Most people left on vacation and everything closed on Sunday and Monday.  Everything was pretty low key for us.  We had a lot of time to spend in our freezing apartment since the heat isn't working.  I don't know how it would even work considering there are no heating vents anywhere in the apartment.  Maybe it just magicly leaks through the walls.  After all the Europeans do quite a lot of things differently here.  To start with, they don't use microwaves or clothing dryers here.  I miss the days of being able to heat up my beloved raviolios for a quick meal.  Just yesterday I made pasta and when I went to heat up the left overs I had to get out the pots and pans again.  How strange!  Where fore out thou microwave?!  I have yet to try our ridiculously small washer since it only holds a load the size of a soccerball.  I think I might be able to fit in two pairs of socks and three pairs of underwear and call it a load.  I guess Europe hasn't familiarized itself with the industrial-sized, materialistic world that America has so greedily indulged in.  Bigger and faster apparently isn't better here in the mother country.  It does keep things more quaint though.  It just takes some time to get used to.
The round-abouts here have also served as quite the amusement.  Not a day goes by that I don't see a near-crash at those death traps.  They take to those with a fearsome aggression, and as a biker I fear for my life everytime I cross one.  Italians also have a passionate connection to their car horns.  They freely use them as if they are as essential to driving as the breaks.  I never know if they are honking at us, their friends across the street, other drivers, or their children in the back seat.  Generally, I just try to stay out of their way.  Nothing like a firm Italian flip-off to keep you cautious.   I've seen those old Italian mobster movies, and I can savely say that I wouldn't want to get on the wrong side of any Italian big or small.
Today, I started my first day of teaching at the school .  I teach in a second grade classroom with a teacher from England.  He is extremely friendly, but his quick English accent is hard to follow at times.  When I'm thoroughly confused I just smile and nod.  (Just smile and wave boys!  Those Madagascar penguins were smart blokes.  That's a shout out to you Zach since you're probably the only one who knows what I mean.)The children are also incredibly adorable with their Italian accented English.  They are so cute and tiny, not to mention the fact that they share the names of the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles.  I'm serious!  I have a couple Leonardo's and Donatello's in my class.  The children also seem exceptionally bright.  Their writing was better than some of the sixth graders I had back in the States. The fact that it is a private international school might be a factor.  More money, better education.  You should see some of the parents.  These mothers trapse in dressed to the hilt walking in five inch, gold heals like they just rolled out of bed.  It's a bit unsettling considering I'm just a poor American college girl.  We were actually told to tell the students and families that we are "visiting" teachers rather than "student" teachers since the parents would look at us as less adequate teachers for their children if we said we were American university students.  The word snubbish comes to mind, but dealing with the parents of students is never easy no matter what country you teach in.  Either parents are too involved or not involved enough.  I'm sure you can vouch for this Amanda.  Other then that, my day was pretty good.  It was a lot to take in considering I'm teaching in a setting quite different to the American classroom, but I'm sure I'll gain my ground with the passing days.  Next week my British supervisor visits to check in.  I'll let you know how that goes.  Speaking of which, I need to email him and my battery is about to die.  I better end this ridiculously long message.
I hope you're enjoying my day to day tid-bits and banter.  Until the next time, I hope you are all well back in the states.  By the way, it looks like I survived the pigeon.  Thank goodness! Ciao!

Now the Fastest Thing on Two Wheels--Me on the Tornado!

Success! Yesterday after the longest day in the history of shopping we succeeded in finding both alarm clocks and bikes. First, we set out for Ikea which was a total bust. That store was totally useless not to mention it took forever to get to on the bus and then the longest most backassward walk from the bus stop. We managed to find two of the cheapest alarm clocks, but we figured they would have to suffice since they were the only ones we had seen since we have been here. On the way back we stopped at another store and found a curling iron and hair straightener since the converter fried the first time I used it. Luckily my adaptors still work for my computer and ipod since they both have built in converters. The voltage conversion system here as well as the metric system annoy the hell out of me. I am constantly looking like a constipated fool trying to convert things in my head. Buying cheese and meat is proving far more difficult then it should be. My mental math skills are certainly being exercised.

The bikes we bought are awesome though. I mean how could a thirty year old rusting bike with screeching breaks called the Tornado, not be? I kid you not. The name Tornado is written down the main bar of my bike. How bad ass is that? I feel like Zorro every time I climb upon it. The first time I rode it I felt like a little kid again as I wobbled down the street on my new toy hoping it wouldn’t crumple under my weight. My ass is certainly taking a beating from the uneven and cobblestone roads. It was pretty sore this morning, but it’s all a part of the adventure, right? Last night Katie’s breaks decided to lock, but she had no choice but to ride on since it was midnight and we were still fifteen minutes from home. She can officially say she burned rubber on her bike. It smelled awful. Good thing the breaks unlocked themselves overnight. How? I have no idea, but at least it saves us a trip back to the bike shop. Fabritzio would have had a lot to answer for selling us a lemon.

Saturday, April 3, 2010

On the hunt for a bike

Today we're going shopping for some stuff.  A bike and an alarm clock tops the list.  We're going to try to hit up the local ikea and then check some of the old bike shops to see if we can buy some cheap bikes.  I swear every bike around here is like thirty years old.  Oh well, as long as the tires are roundish and the brakes work I'm down.  I hopefully won't have to call home because I break my arm on an old rickety bike, but I make no promises.  Later!

Friday, April 2, 2010

Where fore out thou Juliet?

Warning: This is a long one!

Yesterday we went to Verona. It was about an hour train ride from Padova. Although it rained most of the time we were there, it was still absolutely beautiful. It was a very medieval town. We got the chance to see an old Roman arena as well as some of the ancient Roman entrances to the city. My favorite part of the city was the balcony of Juliet since Verona is the city in which Romeo and Juliet is based. Under the balcony was a statue of Juliet in which you rub her breast for good luck. Fun, right? We had a good laugh over that, but had no shame in getting up there and cropping a feel. Some of the Italian men were getting quite fresh with poor Juliet. Haha! Good thing she was just a statue. At the entrance to Juliet’s courtyard was a tunnel that was covered wall to wall in love notes and names in which tourists get to sign or leave a message. It was really fun to read what some of them had to say. Of course, I signed my name among the masses of others already there. Maybe I will finally find my true love at last. Doubtful!

Also while traveling yesterday, Katie’s cousin, Lindsey, got quite a lot of attention from the Italian men. She was wearing black knee-high dress boots with flat heels that somewhat resembled cowboy boots. Well, apparently the Italian men loved them because at least three different men made comments on them. We are pretty sure that one asked if she could ride him like a cowboy. It was pretty funny. Don’t worry we didn’t take him home with us. Wink! Actually, the Italian men have been pretty polite. We haven’t been followed or harassed by them at all. No one has followed us like the Frenchmen did while Amanda was in France. Too bad! Some of them are pretty hansom. Haha! Actually I ran into a guy at the internet cafĂ© yesterday from Pennsylvania. He heard me talking English and asked if I was from the States. He is here studying at an oncology program for a year. It was nice to have a conversation from someone from back home because not as many people here speak English as I thought. Either that or they are pretending not to.

I have fallen in love though—with gelato that is. It is so good! I’ve had it everyday I’ve been here. It is like ice cream but much more creamier and richer. Also, I had my first pasta dish yesterday. It was just Spaghetti Pamodoro which is spaghetti with tomato sauce. It was very tasty. Katie is in love with the pizza here. She can scarf a pizza all by herself and has done so repeatedly. I had a bite or two of hers, and it was pretty amazing. The crust was delicious. In fact, her and her cousin eat a lot. They would fit in with our family just fine. Haha! Usually they polish off a bottle of wine at each meal too. I haven’t had much wine yet. It is hard for me to get use to wine at each meal. I have been sticking to water mostly. Yep Dad, it took me living in another country in order for me to drink water. That’s only because milk is not really offered out and is not sold in huge quantities at the store. Not to mention they do not even have skim milk here. I think I might go into milk withdrawal. Oh well, I will have to make do.

Some other things I have noticed here in Italy is everyone smokes. I’m pretty sure I saw a bunch of ten-year-olds lighting up. It is crazy. Sometimes the outside air just reeks of smoke. Also, they take their dogs everywhere—stores, cafes, train stations, and even the trains themselves. Yesterday there was a dog just wondering around loose in the train station. I thought it was a stray until the owner called it over. The fashion here is also very different from home. They are very trendy which is not that surprising since Italy is known for its fashion industry. Becca, you would love it here. I can picture you in so many of the clothes I see in the windows. You would go broke though. Clothes and everything else here is rather expensive.

Well, I guess that about sums it up. I’m sorry this is such a long one. I actually wrote it at my apartment and then copied it into my blog. So I had a lot of time to write. I know you are all busy people so never feel obligated to read it. I’m mostly writing for my parents (so they know I’m still alive and not getting into trouble) and for myself as sort of a journal of my travels. Until next time, ciao!

Thursday, April 1, 2010

I'm HERE!!!

Hey guys.  Don't worry, I made it here just fine.  I arrived yesterday at noon and hopped onto the first bus I saw to Padova and then grabbed a cab to the school.  I kind of didn't know what I was doing and just hoped I was going in the right direction.  I know, Mom.  I'm sure that's exactly what you want to hear, right?  I made it though so all's well that ends well.  The apartment is huge!  We each have our own queen size beds.  I took a quick nap before we went out to see the city last night.   I fell a sleep to the sound of all the Italian children on the playground below since are apartment is right above the school.  It's rather convenient.  Last night, Katie and her cousin showed me the city.  It's beautiful.  Very much like what you see in movies--you know the cobble stone allies with lots of cafes and shops in old buildings.  Today we're heading to Verona.  Katie's cousin wants to go there before she heads home tomorrow.  She's been here before a few times and once lived in London.  She knows a lot about the culture and just stuff in general around here which is really helpful.  I guess that's all for now.  We're going to head out for Verona now. I'm sorry I'm keeping this short.  Tomorrow I'll try to get on again and give a little more detail and hopefully get on facebook.  Hope all is well in Wisconsin.  Hopefully the weather is as nice there as it is here.