Thursday, April 8, 2010

Confessions of a True Milkoholic

The children are in the lab today so I had some time to access the internet since I am just assisting in another classroom today.  The teacher is from Scotland.  Her accent is so much fun to listen to even if I do not always understand her.
Anyway, I forgot to tell you about a very interesting story yesterday that I know a lot of you will get a kick out of especially you Amanda since you won't even eat fish.  So the teachers here are allowed to eat lunch free which I thought was pretty awesome.  They have pasta everyday except Thursday when they have pizza.  The teachers say I will get sick of it pretty quickly, but I'm not so sure.  I'm pretty sure I could live on pasta.  I guess will see.  You can also have a piece of fruit, a salad, a roll, a slice of cheese, and a piece of deli meat and water.  Meat here is nothing like in America.  First of all it is really salty.  I mean they must cure the hell out of all their meat.  Secondly, their deli meat is slice tissue paper thin which makes it really hard to determine what kind of meat it is.  Well, yesterday, I tried a piece of really dark deli meat that did not look like any kind of meat I had seen before so I decided to ask the teachers what kind of meat it was.  Take your guesses now.  I'm sure you won't guess it.  Beef?  Strike one.  Ham?  Strike two.  Turkey?  Strike three, you're out!  If you guess, fox, bear, squirrel, deer, or any other forest critter or beast you would still be wrong.  It was in fact horse meat.  When I told Katie who had already consumed three slices she nearly died.  I was not really disgusted, just more surprised than anything else.  I mean I did't even know they raised horses for that.  Once again, the Europeans surprise me.  Someone should tell them you're suppose to ride them not eat them.  Oh well!
One food that I'm truly missing over here is milk.  It has been far too long since I have seen a cow grazing in a field waiting to be milked by its farmer where it will be soon delivered to my gullet.  I'm literally going crazy.  The only milk I can find is whole milk which is only sold in pint size for a butt load of money.  How is a three gallon a week girl suppose to survive? Unfortunately, I only have milk with my cereal and stick to water and whine for the rest of my meals.  When I get home don't be surprised if you see me attack the first diary cow I see.  I cannot be held responsible for my calcium addiction. 

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