Thursday, April 1, 2010

I'm HERE!!!

Hey guys.  Don't worry, I made it here just fine.  I arrived yesterday at noon and hopped onto the first bus I saw to Padova and then grabbed a cab to the school.  I kind of didn't know what I was doing and just hoped I was going in the right direction.  I know, Mom.  I'm sure that's exactly what you want to hear, right?  I made it though so all's well that ends well.  The apartment is huge!  We each have our own queen size beds.  I took a quick nap before we went out to see the city last night.   I fell a sleep to the sound of all the Italian children on the playground below since are apartment is right above the school.  It's rather convenient.  Last night, Katie and her cousin showed me the city.  It's beautiful.  Very much like what you see in movies--you know the cobble stone allies with lots of cafes and shops in old buildings.  Today we're heading to Verona.  Katie's cousin wants to go there before she heads home tomorrow.  She's been here before a few times and once lived in London.  She knows a lot about the culture and just stuff in general around here which is really helpful.  I guess that's all for now.  We're going to head out for Verona now. I'm sorry I'm keeping this short.  Tomorrow I'll try to get on again and give a little more detail and hopefully get on facebook.  Hope all is well in Wisconsin.  Hopefully the weather is as nice there as it is here.

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