Friday, April 16, 2010

All Hail Michael Jackson

Sorry I haven't posted in awhile.  I've been extremely busy with teaching.  Our British advisor visited this week and gave us a crap load of work to do for our placements.  I wanted to kindly refuse the work, but I didn't think that would fly with him.  By the way, why do all British lack a set of straight teeth?  I swear my advisor had never met a dentist in his life.  That is one stereotype I can safely put to rest I guess. 

This week I've noticed that the students have a strange obsession with Michael Jackson.  There are pictures of him in most of the classrooms.  He even showed up in their school work when they were asked to name their hero.  When I told my own second grade students that I had a nephew named Jackson, several excitedly shouted, "Like Michael Jackson?!!"  It is a bit strange, but funny all the same.  In music class they are even singing and dancing to Thriller for one of their concert numbers.    They are also singing Yellow Submarine, Don't Stop Believin, and some other great songs.  I wish schools back home sang rock and pop classics like this.  I personally cannot wait to see these little Italians singing to these classics.  It should be a riot to watch.

This weekend we plan to hang low since we have so much work and lesson planning to get done.  We might visit a local park we just discovered right near the school that is quite popular.  The weather has been in the sixties most days so hopefully it will still that way for the weekend.  I heard it has been rediculously warm and nice back home.  Figures the one spring I'm not there would be the good one.  Well, enjoy your weekend and the weather.  Oh and by the way, the Tornado has been fixed.  I was never so excited to pick up my beautiful steed.  She corners like a dream!  Haha!

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