Friday, April 9, 2010

The Tornado Takes a Fall

Well, I finally broke down and bought a SIM card key for my computer so I can access the internet from my apartment or wherever I wish.  Riding into town to access the wireless link at the cafe was becoming too much of a hassle.  It wasn't too terribly expensive not to mention I can use it anywhere even when I get back home.  Anyway, I'm excited its finally the weekend.  I love the kids at school, but teaching is still a job.  We kicked off the weekend with a couple beers down at the local cafe with the rest of the teachers from the school.  It was a lot fun talking with them since they're from all over Europe--England, Ireland, Italy, Scotland, and Wales to name a few countries.  We were making fun of each others accents and where we all come from.  Speaking of the teachers, Katie and I cannot figure out if my English cooperating teacher is gay or if all English men are just flamboyantly happy.  I'm sure Grandma K could figure it out in two seconds with her spectacular gaydar.  Haha!

Unfortunately, later on in the night the great Tornado took a fall.  That's right, she got a flat.  I was literally riding the rim until I locked up the poor beast in town.  Hopefully I'll pick her up later and take her to fix the flat when the shops are open.  I had to walk the half hour walk home in my sandals.  Good thing my feet are made of leather after my summer of lifeguarding.  I'm pretty sure I could walk on coal and not feel a thing.  That's my fall back plan if this whole teacher route doesn't pan out.  Hey if those African tribe members can do it, why can't I?

Tomorrow, we plan on going to Venice.  I cannot wait.  It's a really quick train ride over.  I'll make sure and take lots of pictures and maybe finally upload some to facebook now that I've got better internet access.  Hope you all have a great weekend!

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