Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Now the Fastest Thing on Two Wheels--Me on the Tornado!

Success! Yesterday after the longest day in the history of shopping we succeeded in finding both alarm clocks and bikes. First, we set out for Ikea which was a total bust. That store was totally useless not to mention it took forever to get to on the bus and then the longest most backassward walk from the bus stop. We managed to find two of the cheapest alarm clocks, but we figured they would have to suffice since they were the only ones we had seen since we have been here. On the way back we stopped at another store and found a curling iron and hair straightener since the converter fried the first time I used it. Luckily my adaptors still work for my computer and ipod since they both have built in converters. The voltage conversion system here as well as the metric system annoy the hell out of me. I am constantly looking like a constipated fool trying to convert things in my head. Buying cheese and meat is proving far more difficult then it should be. My mental math skills are certainly being exercised.

The bikes we bought are awesome though. I mean how could a thirty year old rusting bike with screeching breaks called the Tornado, not be? I kid you not. The name Tornado is written down the main bar of my bike. How bad ass is that? I feel like Zorro every time I climb upon it. The first time I rode it I felt like a little kid again as I wobbled down the street on my new toy hoping it wouldn’t crumple under my weight. My ass is certainly taking a beating from the uneven and cobblestone roads. It was pretty sore this morning, but it’s all a part of the adventure, right? Last night Katie’s breaks decided to lock, but she had no choice but to ride on since it was midnight and we were still fifteen minutes from home. She can officially say she burned rubber on her bike. It smelled awful. Good thing the breaks unlocked themselves overnight. How? I have no idea, but at least it saves us a trip back to the bike shop. Fabritzio would have had a lot to answer for selling us a lemon.

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